16 Fakta Unik Dibalik Anime One Piece !!! | 16 Unique Facts Behind Anime One Piece!!!

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Jika kalian pecinta anime one piece,disini ada 16 fakta unik tentang anime one piece...

1. Nama Karakter dari sebelas Supernova adalah Nama Bajak Laut di dunia nyata.

2. Kejadian alam Pelangi Bulat adalah Kejadian Alam yg pernah terjadi di Dunia Nyata.

3. Celana yang dipakai God Enel mirip Motif batik Indonesia.

4. Imej God Enel terinspirasi dari rapper favorit Eiichiro Oda, Eminem.

5. Karakter Aokiji diambil dari Karakter Yusaku Matsuda.

6. Seperti Aokiji, Kizaru juga diadaptasi dari salah satu artis Jepang yg terkenal yaitu Kunie Tanaka. Nama asli Kizaru, Borsalino merupakan nama karakter yang pernah diperankan sendiri oleh Kunie Tanaka dalam sebuah film.

7. Shichibukai di desain menurut salah satu film kesukaan pengarang One Piece Eiichiro Oda. yaitu The Seven Samurai.

8. Thriller Bark juga di desain menurut salah satu film kesukaan Eiichiro Oda, yaitu Tim Burton"s Nightmare Before Christmas.

9. Samurai Ryuma semasa hidupnya pernah diceritain di salah satu chapter Wanted! (cerita pendek buatan Eiichiro Oda yang terdiri dari 5 chapter dibuat sebelum dia memulai membuat One Piece). karena tepat seperti apa yang dibilang Hogback. kalo dulu Ryuma pernah membunuh naga. Di dalam cerita Wanted! dia memang membunuh naga.

10. Nama Edward Newgate dan Marshall D. Teach terinspirasi dari nama bajak laut asli yg bernama Edward Teach.

11. Jurus2 dari Kizaru. Yata No Kagami dan Amakumo No Tsurugi merupakan nama2 harta legendaris mitos Jepang.

12. Kebanyakkan jurus One Piece diambil dari nama-nama Dewa (Khusus jurus God Enel : El Thor, Kiten, Jambure)

13. Perang Suku Shandia dan Pulau Langit Skypea adalah memank perang nyata di suatu daerah, karena perebutan tanah dan harta.

14. Tentang penjelasan Robin megenai Pahlawan yg ada di Alabasta. Dia membaca kalimat pahlawan Alabasta yaitu "Hero of Altea Alabasta, Mahmuâ?¦." (tidak dilanjutkan) mungkin ingin menjelaskan tentang sosok Nabi Muhammad SAW, yang memang beliau adalah Nabi dan Pahlawan di Negeri Timur Tengah (termasuk Arab, Arab = Alabasta)

15. Gorousei = 5 Dewan Keamanan PBB

16. World Government = LBB (Liga Bangsa-Bangsa, organisasi awal sebelum PBgaul, WG dibentuk dari 20 wilayah kerajaan pada awalnya, sama dengan LBB yang awalnya baru diikuti oleh 20 Negara.


This time Catatan_Kemal Will Provide Few Facts - Unique Facts Behind Anime One Piece!
If you are one piece anime lovers, here there are 16 unique facts about anime one piece ...
1. The character names of the eleven Supernovas are pirate name in the real world.
2. Round is a natural occurrence Rainbow Natural Genesis that ever happened in the Real World.
3. Pants were worn like God Enel Indonesian batik motifs.
4. God Enel inspired image of Eiichiro Oda's favorite rapper, Eminem.
5. Aokiji characters taken from Character Yusaku Matsuda.
6. Like Aokiji, Kizaru also adapted from one of the famous Japanese artist who Kunie Tanaka. Kizaru original name, Borsalino is the name of the character played by the ever Kunie Tanaka in a movie.
7. Shichibukai are designed according to one of the favorite movies One Piece author Eiichiro Oda. ie The Seven Samurai.
8. Thriller Bark was also designed according to one of the favorite movies Eiichiro Oda, that Tim Burton 's The Nightmare Before Christmas.
9. Samurai Ryuma during his lifetime never diceritain in one chapter Wanted! (Short story artificial Eiichiro Oda consisting of 5 chapters were made before he started making One Piece). because just like what is arguably Hogback. if first Ryuma never kill dragons. In the story Wanted! he did kill a dragon.
10. Name Edward Newgate and Marshall D. Teach inspired from the name of the original pirate named Edward Teach reply.
11. Jurus2 of Kizaru. Yata No Kagami and Amakumo No Tsurugi is a legendary treasure nama2 Japanese myth.
12. One Piece Kebanyakkan stance is taken from the names of God (God Enel Special moves: El Thor, Kiten, Jambure)
13. Civil War and the Sky Island Shandia memank Skypea is a real war in the region, due to the seizure of land and property.
14. Robin megenai Heroes explanation imaginable in Alabasta. He read the sentence Alabasta hero of "Hero of Alabasta Altea, Mahmuâ? |." (Discontinued) may want to explain about the figure of the Prophet Muhammad, which indeed he was a prophet and a hero in the land of the Middle East (including Arabic, Arabic = Alabasta)
15. Gorousei = 5 UN Security Council
16. World Government = LBB (League of Nations, an organization early before PBgaul, WG was formed of 20 regions of the kingdom in the beginning, with the first new LBB followed by 20 States.

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